Fiona Lygo

Abstract and Landscape Artist

About Fi

My life experiences have contributed to my style and expression via my paintings. Having lived in Surrey for 18 years raising my family, I moved to Totnes in Devon in 2010, where my passion for painting was rekindled. I absorbed the beauty and freedom of the landscape and the bohemian acceptance of the individual, which is key to my style of painting.

Living near Dartmoor I would walk my dogs every day and saw inspiration in the rugged landscapes and boldness of nature to encourage me to paint bigger and bolder canvasses.

Gradually I was asked by my friends to paint commissions as they saw the inspiration of the positive energy and wellbeing that my surroundings offered.

Alongside my regeneration through art, I fulfilled a lifelong ambition to begin to foster dogs in need of a new start in their lives, just as I had needed!

Moving back to Surrey in 2016 and then finally to Sussex in 2022 I paint in my beautiful studio, surrounded by happy dogs. Creating Art, loving nature, and being by the Sea are my therapy and my happiness.